
Product Title Details
Title Data Communications Fundamentals Facilitator Telecom Mentor
Company Detail Telecommentor is in the Business of Providing voice automated/animated Telecom Training in E-Learning format, and Professional Consulting and Business Development Services to Organization involved in the Telecommunication Industry. Telecom Mentor is a leader in telecom web innovations, integrating telecom professionals globally. The company provides an array of products/services, facilitating the needs of professional telecom employees and leading telecom industries. It was formed to address the needs for a specific telecom industry portal, in conjunction with providing a social networking opportunity for telecom industry employees

Course Description:

This course enables that foundation, covering fundamental concepts beginning with an overview of the relationship between data communications and telecommunications, and introducing the notion of convergence. It then introduces the concepts of network models, protocols, layers, and protocol suites and suggests a five-layer model used in modern networks.


Delivery Mode and Course Objectives


Upon completion of this course, the participants are expected to have a good understanding of concepts as detailed below.

         The Telephone Network

         Voice Transmission


         Traffic Engineering


         Access Options

         Trunking Options

         Course Prerequisite

         Although this course requires no previous knowledge or understanding of related technologies & standards, a basic understanding of telecommunication concepts would be beneficial.


Delivery Media


Course Description:

This course enables that foundation, covering fundamental concepts beginning with an overview of the relationship between data communications and telecommunications, and introducing the notion of convergence. It then introduces the concepts of network models, protocols, layers, and protocol suites and suggests a five-layer model used in modern networks.


Delivery Mode and Course Objectives


Upon completion of this course, the participants are expected to have a good understanding of concepts as detailed below.

         The Telephone Network

         Voice Transmission


         Traffic Engineering


         Access Options

         Trunking Options

         Course Prerequisite

         Although this course requires no previous knowledge or understanding of related technologies & standards, a basic understanding of telecommunication concepts would be beneficial.


Delivery Media


         Streaming audio and video presentation

         Student quizzes